Post by stolenhart on Jan 20, 2010 13:51:31 GMT -6
The Whers
The Colors
Whers, like firelizards and dragons, come in five distinct colors. The Golds and Greens are female and lay eggs. At Telgar Hold the standard practice of breeding whers is that only the Gold clutches are allowed to hatch. When a Green clutches her eggs are removed from her and disposed of. Only Bronzes with the proper attitude and personality are the only whers allowed to breed. Browns and blues are considered working whers and are only used to keep the greens happy.
On occasion a well adjusted brown will be bred to a green in the hopes for an equally adjusted bronze wher. This rarely happens though
Wher Facts
Whers are nocturnal, or prefer dark atmospheres of caverns, and do not come out during the day unless provoked. They are used for two purposes: as guards or in the mines. Usually the golds and bronzes will be the guards while the browns, blues and greens are used in the mines. Despite their wings, Whers are much to heavy to fly, but they can run and leap with considerable strength.
At Hatching, Whers Impress to a single trainer. Like firelizards, a young wher looks for someone with food. Once Impression is made, the trainer initiates a blood-bond by allowing the Wher to taste their blood. This gives the bronding process a better chance of success, and creates a deeper bonding. Whers' names always end in -sk, and are usually derived from their trainer's name. (Yulio - Yulsk). A trainer will only have one wher at a time. Bonded Whers are more intelligent than fire-lizards, learning simple commands and phrases, but not as intelligent as the dragons.
If a Wher does not bond at Hatching, they are usually killed to prevent harm from coming to anyone. Sometimes Whers do not bond properly and turn against their trainers, usually a blue or green, and they go rogue. A rogue wher is a highly dangerous creature and once they taste human flesh usually become man-eaters. A green who escapes is a dangerous creature because she will clutch and usually one or two of her eggs will survive to Hatch.
Telgar Hold has had Whers from nearly the beginning of Pern, but only in the last few turns have they built an actual facility for breeding and training Whers. Because of their knowledge and expertise in breeding whers, Telgar is the place to go when looking to get one. There is also some danger to traveling to Telgar, as there are several bands of wild whers roaming about the abandoned mines and caves, including one or two golds and a handful of bronzes.
Despite what the newer books claim about whers, this is how Battle's whers will be played
Clutches are denoted by the dam's name, sire's name and dam's clutch number.
Gold Hysk x Bronze Lonsk, No. 5, six eggs atm.